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EXM BOXCAD Configurator
BOXCAD is an online configurator designed by EXM Manufacturing that allows you to choose your enclosure, customize to your project needs (color, size, cut outs and more), and send in an order from quantity 1 to 100+.
Antaira Technologies IP67 Waterproof Ethernet Switch
The LNX-0500-M12-67 is a 5-Port M12 IP67 Ethernet Switch that meets the high-reliability requirements demanded by industrial applications.
EXM Enclosures : Electrical Enclosures from NEMA 1 to NEMA 4X
EXM Enclosures : Electrical Enclosures from NEMA 1 to NEMA 4X
Fibox NEMA 4X Polycarbonate Enclosures
An overview of Fibox Enclosures and their capabilities
Your Guide to Temperature Transmitters : PR Electronics
To ensure accuracy a temperature transmitter is capable of isolating, amplifying, linearizing and filtering noise from the temperature sensor signal.